Ciara McGreevy, or Pepsispook13 online, is a young artist from Belfast aspiring to work in preproduction for animation or games specifically in character concepting, environments and prop concepting. They are also interested in 2D Character animation in general.
Their inspiration comes from anthropomorphic characters in media, the tech, music, games, fashion of the early 2000s, Emo, Scene and Gothic subcultures, Anime, Music, Artistic movies and games, sexuality and Religion.
They are driven by a passion to create characters and worlds to explore and tell a lot of different stories, using a wide variety of characters with unique designs and unique lives.
- Ulster University Animation (2021 - present)
-Berkeley College 3D character animation course by Chris Carter - (2022 August - 2022 December)
- 12 month placement as an Animator with Volta Studios (June 2023 - June 2024)
- Freelance work - (2020 - current year)